40,000 sq ft of sustainable next-generation workspace with spectacular private and communal terraces adjacent to Battersea Power Station
Offered on a traditional, fitted and managed basis
Eleventh (Communal) | - - |
1,894 sq ft 176 sq m |
Tenth | 4,004 sq ft 372 sq m |
194 sq ft 18 sq m |
Ninth | 4,004 sq ft 372 sq m |
194 sq ft 18 sq m |
Eighth | 4,198 sq ft 390 sq m |
- - |
Seventh | 4,198 sq ft 390 sq m |
- - |
Sixth | 4,198 sq ft 390 sq m |
- - |
Fifth | 4,198 sq ft 390 sq m |
- - |
Fourth | 4,198 sq ft 390 sq m |
- - |
Third | 4,176 sq ft 388 sq m |
- - |
Second | 4,176 sq ft 388 sq m |
- - |
First | 2,174 sq ft 202 sq m |
- - |
Ground (Reception) | 775 sq ft 72 sq m |
- - |
TOTAL | 40299 sq ft 3744 sq m |
2282 sq ft 212 sq m |
Not to scale. Indicative only
Not to scale. Indicative only
Not to scale. Indicative only
Not to scale. Indicative only
Not to scale. Indicative only
Not to scale. Indicative only
Not to scale. Indicative only
Not to scale. Indicative only
Not to scale. Indicative only
Not to scale. Indicative only
Not to scale. Indicative only
Not to scale. Indicative only